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Scholarship of Engagement for Societal Impact (SoE-SI)

This Senate-approved framework has been developed as both a guideline and a practical resource that is institutionally specific, nationally applicable, and internationally aligned. As a guideline, it sets out the institutional understanding, commitment, and institutionalization of integrated engaged scholarship.  As a practical resource, it provides workable definitions for key concepts relevant to the SoE and principles of CE. It also sets specific institutionalization factor areas against which SoE indicators can be developed to present the SoE metrics in relation to the institution’s contribution to social transformation – locally, nationally, regionally, and internationally.

SoE for SI Framework


The SoE-SI Framework

Access the Senate approved

SoE-SI Framework at the UWC


Scholarship of Engagement Model

Special Projects

SoE-SI Pilot Project

View the UWC SoE Model

The operationalization of the SoE-SI Framework at the UWC

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